to the web site of Unfolding Movement, the non-profit organisation that we, Nancy en Edo, set up to communicate our love of the 5Rhythms®. We can't imagine life without this practice, and we gladly bring you into movement, so that you can experience yourself what it can offer to your life.
The 5Rhythms® are an international movement, started by Gabrielle Roth, an American woman with a passion for dance and how it can be used to free ourselves. We have some twenty colleagues in Belgium, and hundreds world-wide. Therefore we chose to not only publish our own activities on this web site, but also a selection of activities of our (inter)national colleagues, as an example of what is available. You'll also find references to the Belgian and international agendas.
Our 5Rhythms® Workshops
After three years of exploring the Waves and the Heartbeat maps in monthly day workshops, we have decided to take a break with that program this year. This year, Nancy will focus a bit more on the collaboration with PRH (see below), but she will also teach her own 5Rhythms workshop in the second part of the year. We will both partake together in teaching with three other colleagues during a day workshop on 18 May: pencil in that date, later in January we will give more details.
Workshops together with PRH
This year, the joint offering between the 5Rhythms® and PRH Flanders (in which we both also are active as collaborators) continues, during the workshop "Vanuit beweging vrijer worden in mijn levensdynamiek" (with Nancy and Alex Sarlet), this time from 13-18 Aug in Erwetegem (near Zottegem). During five days, first moving with the 5Rhythms, followed by a written exploration and potentially sharing part of it using the method of PRH. This combination has already offered our participants a lot of growth in their lives. In the first half of the year there also is an accompaniment group "Meeting Life" (with Nancy and Annick Jossa) in Diest where we offer the same combination spread over 4 Sundays from January to June, but on a different theme.