"If you put the psyche in motion, it will heal itself." Gabrielle Roth


In the Cycles Map, only taught by a few international teachers, we take a good look at our own lives and personal history through our movement practice. We go into each of our life cycles, from our birth to our death; moving with our important teachers in these phases, what we received and what we did not get from them and how this history permeates our present- day life. Experience with the Waves and Heartbeat maps helps us to truly open ourselves to these parts of us, to re-weave threads and to leave the hurts and humiliations behind us. We honour the people and events that have shaped who we are, with their challenges and gifts and reinvent ourselves into somebody we truly want to be, that, deep down, we essentially are.


I (Edo) have embodied many parts of my past, and in that way more consciously experienced and felt those events, during two hundred hours of cycles work. I have been able to share them, and I feel more freed up from some parts. I have been able to leave a few stories behind, and redefined my life without being ruled by them any longer. These experiences help me to see more quickly that what happens in the present, sometimes has its roots in the past, in me and in others. It has made me more forgiving towards myself and others.

Cycles helps me (Nancy) to see what wants attention regarding my babyhood, childhood, teenage time and the other cycles of life and it helps to experience and move the processes further. I find parts of myself which support my maturity and give me inspiration related to the last cycle, helping me to experience things from the bigger perspective. Doing it with fellow explorer dancers brings me feelings of more connection and empathy. When I come back to my regular practice at home, I notice and accept more the parts of my body which hold particular images / scenes / stories from my life and can give them more space and permission to move and take that holding in the direction of untangling, moving through.